課程內容 Course Description
The course aims to equip students with the fundamentals in reading, speaking and listening. The exam is set and designed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. The exam is internationally recognized around the world by over 13,000 organisations.
Course highlights
Cambridge YLE/English exams are internationally recognized 劍橋證書課程是國際認可的。
Students taking the test can improve on the four skill sets : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 考試範圍包括聽,寫,讀,講。
After completion, students will learn over 1000 vocabularies. 學生學成後能認識超過1000個詞彙。
Self-made course worksheets are tailored to Hong Kong students. 本中心自篇寫教材能讓學生學得更快。
Partnership with British Council and GPEX Hong Kong 英國文化協會和GPEX合作夥伴。